Monday, January 24, 2022

9 11 essay

9 11 essay

Flying without Fear: Effective Strategies to Get You Where You Need to Go. The airports are closed. Since September 11, it has been seen that there has been a great increase in the international prestige of Russia. To help illuminate this hypothesis, this essay will analyze many of these changes that have been implemented and evaluate them from a new perspective. Portal, where I half-heartedly read a handful of top news headlines, a brief local weather report, and checked e-mail, as I liked to do first thing in the morning, 9 11 essay. Better Essays. It is not simply difficult to determine the 9 11 essay, concrete 9 11 essay to achieve this goal in an international community filled with the fear of terrorism and political uncertainty.

September 11 and Pearl Harbor

According to Harlan"Sample retention is problematic not only because of these individuals' innocence, but also because of the resulting availability of sensitive genetic information and the lack of legislative and jurisprudential protections guarding release of the information" p. This point is also made by Beecher-Monas and Garcia-illwho caution that modern DNA identification techniques can be used to extrapolate far more than just an individual's identity, 9 11 essay, but with some profound social consequences involved. 9 11 essay authors write, "DNA identification testing has become commonplace in the courts, transforming the criminal justice system, demonstrating innocence, and identifying perpetrators. Already it is clear that DNA testing will be 9 11 essay as a way of predicting which medical treatments will be effective, 9 11 essay.

Fragment sizes. According to Gonzalez and his…. References Akram, S. The aftermath of September 11, The targeting of Arabs and Muslims in America. Arab Studies Quarterly, Beecher-Monas, E. Genetic predictions of future dangerousness: Is there a blueprint for violence? Law and Contemporary Problems, 69 Butterfield, F. has plan to broaden availability of DNA testing. New York Times. Carroll, G, 9 11 essay. Proven guilty: An examination of the penalty-free world of post-conviction DNA testing. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 97 2 It was an even that should have never taken place.

During the Clinton administration, U. Embassies were bombed by Al Qaeda to which President Clinton responded by cruise missile attacks and the CIA hired assassins to kill Bin Laden. Clinton also pressurized the Taliban to expel Bin Laden but it was of no use. In the year Clinton tried to get Bin Laden expelled again and efforts were made with the opponents of Taliban, the Northern Alliance to gather intelligence to kill Bin Laden. The 9 11 essay proposed the use of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to gain better intelligence data on Bin Laden. Towards the end of the year there was an attack on the U. Cole but there was no hardcore evidence that Bin Laden had given the order, 9 11 essay.

The CIA…. The CIA labeled 9 11 essay findings as preliminary judgment and thus the Clinton administration could not initiate a military attack. 9 11 essay lack of evidence hindered the process and the Clinton administration had to wait till more evidence appeared thus the actions which President Clinton were very limited and constrained to only diplomatic pressure. Soon President Bush took control of the presidential office but the matter of USS Cole was still pending. 9 11 essay accepted that the attack on the U.

Cole was ordered by Bin Laden and the Bush administration, not wanting to wage military action, started to devise a plan to eliminate Al Qaeda in about three to five years, 9 11 essay. He was briefed that Al Qaeda is planning more attacks but the report stated that the attacks were to be carried out overseas and not on American soil. As a result security measures were being taken overseas rather than within the United States. Diplomatic steps were being taken and pressure was to be put on the Taliban and on Pakistan to expel Bin Laden from Afghanistan. Moreover information about the use of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was conveyed and measures were being taken to arm it with a missile so as to kill Bin Laden. Approval from Bush was required and he was to sign the approval on September 11,9 11 essay, the day when the tragedy occurred and millions died.

Lack of intelligence on Bin Laden's location and whereabouts delayed actions that could be taken by the two administrations. Clinton also faced the problem of not enough evidence regarding the U. Cole otherwise he would have utilized other measures. Bush was planning to eradicate Bin Laden and as the threat was regarding attacks to occur overseas; his plans did not include any direct military action on Bin Laden or the Taliban who had given him shelter. These factors limited the decisions and action that the two administrations took.

Basically this game has two players who have two options. They can either choose to 9 11 essay or "cooperate. If suspect A chooses to defect i. he confesses his involvement in the crime and testifies about the involvement of suspect B, then he has a chance to go free. If suspect B. cooperates i. he does not testify, whereas suspect A does, then suspect A will go free whereas suspect B. will go to jail. However, if both defect then none of them go free and both serve time but for a comparatively lesser amount of time. If both of 9 11 essay remain silent then minor charges would be put against them and they…. Even if we do not 9 11 essay a specific President, there is no denying that they know things we do not.

It must be necessary for them, from time to time, 9 11 essay, to persuade the nation. The use of a persuasive rhetoric in this instance may be justified. And especially when a President uses rhetoric to invite a response from the audience and critics, as Zarefsky notes, I can appreciate the President's intention. I am in general very skeptical of any form of government control. I strongly believe that in a democratic state, citizens should have access to free choice and free flow of information. If the citizens can make responsible decisions based on what they themselves figure out, that makes democratic institutions strong. Therefore, I am very skeptical of any attempt by any organization to control or filter the Internet.

So, I started reading Timothy Thomas's article "Al Qaeda and the…. They are traditionally seen as more stable than are bipolar systems, where two powerful superpowers are locked in conflict and use weaker states in their mutual power plays. Multipolar systems, as existed in Europe the period before World War I, are seen as the most volatile and unstable balances of power. owever, unipolar systems are not always more stable -- the United States may be the major superpower of the immediate post-Cold War period, yet small ethnic conflicts were rife after the end of the Cold War. The period between is often characterized as bipolar, because of the tensions of the Cold War period that divided the 'free' and communist spheres.

Other scholars call it unipolar, in the sense that one major conflict dominated the…. However, unipolar systems are not always more stable -- the United States may be the major superpower of the immediate post-Cold War period, yet small ethnic conflicts were rife after the end of the Cold War. Other scholars call it unipolar, in the sense that one major conflict dominated the globe to all others. There was a complex dynamic between the two major powers of the United States and the Soviet Union during this period. Not all conflicts in the world were between the superpowers, but the superpowers attempted to become involved in all regional conflicts. For example, the Vietnamese communist forces of Ho Chi Minn 9 11 essay themselves as nationalist forces, rather than allied with the Soviet Union, 9 11 essay, yet the U.

still felt compelled to intervene. China was alienated from the U. But was still a communist power. France disassociated itself from NATO, the primary alliance of the West, and was contemned by the U. And the Islamic world was divided between religions rather than politics, although the Soviet Union attempted to support anti-Israeli forces. However, despite these multipolar displays of regional conflict, both superpowers claimed an interest in virtually every world conflict, 9 11 essay, stretching from Latin America to Asia, and reduced these conflicts to their ideological terms, in their own worldviews.

Thus, the period could be characterized as bipolar because of the two powers involved, or unipolar in terms of the singular focus of its conflict between communist-supported and American-supported powers. Also, despite world fears about nuclear conflict, this period proved to be relatively stable in 'unipolar' terms for the citizens of both nations, even if regional actors suffered in smaller conflagrations, unlike the current period of terrorist fears and threats. Committee on House Administration The economical damage caused by the violent actions on human lives and infrastructure may be classified into direct and indirect damages.

The city of New York was supported with assistance from various organizations from the state, nongovernmental, federal and local front to bring the situation 9 11 essay control. Direct damages included the lives of people, infrastructure, business establishments, appliances and gadgets in offices, telephone, power, travel facilities, airlines and automobiles. There were expenses involved to handle the situation, cleaning the site and the destructed building. Other expenses included emergency health assistance, medical support for health problems, wounds and assistance provided to stabilize 9 11 essay mental condition of the affected people. Kingsbury Indirect damages included returns from employment of a person, gains from business establishments which were terminated for the time being or forever due to the loss of office and equipment, 9 11 essay, loss incurred by business establishment….

References Committee on House Administration. Hearing on security updates since September 11, hearing before the DIANE Publishing Crockatt, Richard, 9 11 essay. America Embattled: September 11, Anti-Americanism, and the Global Order. Kingsbury, Nancy R, 9 11 essay. Review of studies of the economic impact of the September 11, In terms of coming up with affected population estimated, 9 11 essay, World Trade Center personnel, officials involved with New York City census operations, the police, and fire department will all be useful in estimating the population of the buildings and the surrounding areas.

Type of Studies Needed: Determining the full extent of the health impacts of this event will require longitudinal studies to be undertaken, 9 11 essay, however this is clearly not possible in the immediate term. In essence, only observational and some non-human experimental study designs…. Although the symbolic language of mourning in our society tends to focus upon the fallen, or those who lost love ones, Hartocollis implies that this tends to ignore people whose lives were irrevocably changed through injury. The focus of the article is to understand the perspective of these injured victims, according to the sociological principle of verstehen putting one's self in another's shoes in a spirit of understanding and community and understanding….

Mayblum's language of teamwork is simple and straightforward in its diction. But Robert Stone's essay advances a far more complex issue, as he attempts to deal with the psychological impact of the crisis. Stone's thesis is the unreality of the horror, which was so shocking that it was "experienced" as "something fictive, because the mindset of the suicide bombers is so alien to our culture.

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On September 11, terrorists crashed two American airline airplanes into Twin Towers, killing thousands of people. It was the worst terrorist attack in American history and it showed us that we are not protected by Atlantic and Pacific. It showed us that we could be attacked by anyone at anytime. It showed us that if we will be attacked again that we can only depend on each other and not on other nations to help us. In the recent videos Osama bin Laden and his colleagues are talking about the power of Islam and the attacks on Twin Towers. They say that Allah is on their side and people around the world want to learn more about Islam since the September 11th attacks. A good example was John Walker, an American who was with Taliban army man when he was captured.

He was studying Muslim traditions in Pakistan where he joined Taliban. Our military campaigns in Afghanistan eliminated a regime that supported terrorism and other violent groups. Today in Afghanistan there is no regime and the country is rebuilding it self from the ruins of Soviet war. John Ashcroft who is now the famous man on TV is probably the only one who takes the problem seriously. He said that he wants to check for people who have connections with the Alquida and its cells. That means that our finding fathers did not had to deal with Ottoman Empire nor their attacks because we were protected by oceans.

Even in the old days constitution was not a factor for some people to do something immoral or illegal. Get Access. Better Essays. September 11 and Pearl Harbor Words 3 Pages. September 11 and Pearl Harbor. Read More. Satisfactory Essays. Essay On 9 11 Conspiracy Words 6 Pages. Essay On 9 11 Conspiracy. Good Essays. Best Essays. Indirect Victims of Terrorism Words 2 Pages. Indirect Victims of Terrorism. Key Actions The United States Department of Justice DOJ is essentially responsible for enforcing and promoting the ideas of justice, fairness and retribution. In a ten-year retrospective of their own accomplishments and principles regarding….

References Baginski, M. Testimony to Congress Subcommittee on Crime Terrorism and Homeland Security, Washington DC, 19 April FISA Court Secrecy Must End. Politico, 14 July html Davis, L. et al. Prepared for the National Institute of Justice by Rand Corporation, pdf Liu, E. Reauthorization of the FISA Amendments Act. Congressional Research Service, 8 April, In addition to the seismic policy and personal effects of the tragedy, airport security and attitudes towards airport security have undergone substantial reforms. References Johnston, W. Not safe enough: Fixing transportation security.

Issues in Science and Technology. Today's Engineer. asp Secure Flight Program. Retrieved from:. Terrorist It is often said that there is no 'typical' terrorist: terrorism can spring from a multitude of psychological and political causes. Terrorists can and do come from a wide array of social classes but are not necessarily poor; rather "the frustration-aggression hypothesis" of terrorism is based on "a gap between rising expectations and need satisfaction" Hudson In other words, when economic and personal opportunities do not keep pace with the reality experienced by the…. Al-Qaida had clearly shown its determination to end the existence of these symbols of American power and dominance.

The fact that the authorities were not on high alert to the possibility of another attack seems surprising in the extreme. Al-Qaida was clearly determined to finish what it had started. The Bush Administration received warnings that another attack was likely. Bush about the possibility of a Qaeda attack began in the spring of By May 1, the Central Intelligence Agency told the White House of a report that 'a group presently in the United States' was planning a terrorist operation. Weeks later, on June 22, the daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be 'imminent'" Eichenwald Two weeks later, another co-conspirator, Zacarias Moussaoui, was arrested on immigration.

And it does this by conducting investigations and enforcing laws that deal with public health, order, and decency. As stated previously, SLU has it basis in a strong Catholic ideology, which is permeated with morality and decency. Catholic teachings, which are at the center of the core values of SLU, teach a person to be a moral individual who acts with decency. While maintaining the core values of maintaining excellence, respecting the law, protecting communities, and acting with integrity, the Lubbock Police Department does not forget to maintain a code of moral conduct that also expects society to act within the norms of decency. One of the causes of the failure of the United….

References Casteel, Philip. Leo University Webpage. Ronald Regan is considered by many as one of the most influential American presidents in the last four decades. However, Carter was instrumental in how Regan ran his administration. n politics they both sought to exploit the aftermath of the civil right movement that led to "white backlash" and many white Southerners and Northerners to defect from the popular Democrats in order to support George Wallace, a former populist candidate. When his began his general election, he went to Neshoba County in and declared he believed in states' rights after white supremacists bombed a black church.

Jimmy Carter spoke in a similar fashion, trying to fish votes from the "white ethnics" who did not want black people to move into their neighborhoods. n April , Carter made a statement saying he saw nothing wrong with maintaining ethnic purity. From this kind of language, both presidents gained many supporters from…. It began with the bombings in Afghanistan in and then progressed into the Bush Administration accusing Iraq for concealing WMDs or weapons of mass destruction. United States government officials accused Saddam Hussein not only of the WMDs, but also the supporting and harboring of al-Qaeda.

This unfounded suspicion came at the heels of the growing weariness of Afghanistan and Iraq in relation to potential terrorist threats. While nothing was found and the United States eventually left Iraq , the continual attacks led to great instability and mismanagement of power of Hussein's death in the Iraq as well as Afghanistan. In present times, the United States has very little influence in Iraq. The country is now Shia-dominated with a mistreated and alienated Sunni minority. There is no control of the Kurdish north and rampant violence everywhere. In Afghanistan, the Muslim world grew to distrust the United States with some 4, American service personnel murdered.

With ISIS growing each day, some attribute the demise of Hussein and the chaos that followed as fueling the formation of the terrorist group today. Regardless of the reasons for sending troops to Afghanistan and Iraq, the Iraq War and the war on terror were seen as a blunder in the Bush Administration that cost Americans money as debt grew, and growth in foreign policy declined. The United States now more than ever is hesitant to deploy ground troops to a foreign country again. Security Management 1. Some operational contingencies are considered core because the operation could not function without it. A core operational contingency is one that must remain functioning. This is important for contingency planning, so that when you plan for the more common risks that the operation faces, you ensure that the core ones are taken care of, and will continue to run.

If you run an e-commerce site, for example, you would consider the ability to keep your website running and continue taking orders as a core contingency. Everything else can suffer from some downtime if necessary, but keeping the revenue coming in is a core competency. The non-core competencies are the ones that can be disrupted without entirely disrupting the business. This does not mean that the operation can continue indefinitely without these competencies, just that they can be interrupted without completely interrupting the operation. A classic example is…. Never before has the nation been struck in an act of war as was seen on national television on Even when the Japanese planes swarmed into Pearl Harbor, American's saw only the pictures which were released in print, and the events of the day had time to settle before the images of war were digested.

ut even the attack on Pearl Harbor was fundamentally different than what occurred in New York. Military forces struck a military target. This does not reduce the shock of the event, but it was easier to digest as the nation ramped up for war in the European theater…. Bibliography Aron, Raymond. The Imperial Republic. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Middle East Policy. Out of a clear blue sky; 9. Herert, Chantal. Lead Federal Agencies hen it comes to lead agencies in the U. government -- designed to respond to an emergency, a disaster, or an attack on the U. Prior to September 11, , there was no homeland security department, but FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency , the military, and other agencies were responsible for security in the event of disaster or other emergency.

But following the September 11 attacks, the U. Congress authorized the creation of the DHS, and a total of 22 different federal departments and agencies were brought under one umbrella. The DHS helps citizens and communities where there is a flood -- which is the most common disaster situation in America -- or a terrible tornado or hurricane, or an explosion in a factory or sudden, unpredictable…. Works Cited Arkin, W. Not Just a Last Resort? The Washington Post. com Priest, D. A hidden world, growing beyond control. advertising strategy and the branding strategy are all integrated with the larger concept of marketing strategy and, on the highest levels, with the company's overall business strategy.

The way that a certain brand is advertised depends on what the company decided for that brand, namely what the strategy for it is. It also depends on a variety of marketing-related elements, such as product positioning on the market or the targeted group of consumers. For example, a brand that is 2 on the market and aims to be 1 may have an advertising campaign that targets the leader. In correlating the advertising strategy with the branding strategy, our company needs to consider several elements. First, this is a new company, as well as a niche company. The first objective of a successful advertising strategy is to relate to the characteristics of the brand and understand how to reach the targeted group….

Bibliography 1. Gustafson, Tara, Chabot, Brian, Brand Awareness. Cornell Maple Bulletin 2. Lewis, Randall, Rao, Justin, On the Near Impossibility of Measuring the Returns to Advertising. Last retrieved on November 27, 3. Brassington, F, Pettitt, S. Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited 4. Meidan, A, Marketing Financial Services. Hampshire and London: Macmillan Press Ltd. In her article, "Aftermath of Aftermath- Unanswered Questions from -from an organizer's point-of-view" the military could have done more. In particular the author asserts that General Myers who controlled such military operations, couls have done more to prevent the attacks Brouillet.

Mark Dunlea is one of the most outspoken voices on the events of September 11 and the lack of cooperation from the Bush administration in reference to a bipartisan review of the terrorist attacks. Dunlea is a member of the Green Party of New York city. In fact, Mark Dunlea…. html Dunlea, Mark. Madame President: The Unauthorized Biography of the First Green Party President. Big Toad Books: New York. Aeronautical The September 11 terrorist attacks had a tremendous impact on foreign and domestic policy. One of the industries most directly affected by the terrorist attacks was the aviation industry. Shocked by the methods used in the terrorist attacks and forced to immediately address core managerial weaknesses, the aeronautical industry has risen to the occasion admirably.

The anecdotes in Tom Murphy's compilation highlight key areas in which the aeronautical industry succeeded by meeting the challenges it faced after the terrorist attacks. Focusing on the positive aspects of how the various levels of management and employees dealt with the crisis provides a framework for the future of the industry. References Blake, A. Tourism crisis management: U. response to Septmeber Annals of Tourism Research 30 4 : Campbell, R. Human performance and limitations in aviation. pdf Jensen, R. The Boundaries of Aviation Psychology, Human Factors, Aeronautical Decision Making, Situation Awareness, and Crew Resource Management. The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 7 4 : Murphy, T. Reclaiming the Sky. in terms of Muslim-American relations and the way the word "terror" and "terrorist" is used to identify or refer to a group of people.

immigration policy post have negatively affected American Muslims in several ways as a result of inherently racist legislation specifically targeting all Muslims regardless of whether they are U. citizens or not. Of course, not all of the counterterrorism methods will work, and there will certainly be changes, alterations, and even the disbanding of some of the things the government has done to help prevent further attacks. The people learned the country was vulnerable to attacks never before imagined.

They learned that thousands of people could die in a few minutes at the hands of terrorists, and that the borders, the cities, and even the rural areas were susceptible to attack. They learned that weapons such as biochemical agents and other poisons could enter the water and food supplies and could kill thousands, or even millions. They learned that the country has to be increasingly vigilant to protect the citizens and their way of life. They also learned that Americans could stand together with pride in the face…. References Chomsky, N.

September Crows Nest, N. Cordesman, A. Terrorism, Asymmetric Warfare, and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Defending the U. Westport, CT: Praeger. Klinger, D. Who Should Deal with Foreign Terrorists on U. Socio-Legal Consequences of September 11 and the Ongoing Threat of Terrorist Attacks in America. Posner, Gerald. New York: Random House. September 11 Attacks Affected the Lives of American Muslims For a long time, American Muslims have been part and parcel of the American society. It is however important to note that after the September 11 terror attacks, the status of American Muslims in the wider American society seems to have undergone a major review.

Unlike was the case a couple of years ago, most American non-Muslims seem to have developed negative stereotypes of American Muslims. The September 11 Attacks One of the darkest moments in American history, September 11, is a day that will remain engraved in the minds of most Americans for many years to come. This is the day that 19 Muslim men executed a plan that left thousands of Americans dead and others badly injured. In a well planned and executed undertaking, the terrorists involved in this atrocity chose to used several planes as deadly weapons…. Works Cited Almasri, Nasir. CAIR -- Chicago, 13 Sept. Cohen, Jon and Kyle Dropp. The Washington Post Company, 9 Sept.

Khan, Mussarat and Kathryn Ecklund. Lean, Nathan. Business Ethics Changes in U. Business Ethics Practices Changes in U. One of such changes is declining rate of ethical considerations in U. based commercial organization. The subject is important to explore as it is likely to affect the image of U. business organizations. Furthermore, it is also expected that U. literature upon management and business administration may fail to appeal the world as the practices are not aligned with it. based organizations. Changes in U.

The incident changed…. References Angle, C. New York: Philosophy Publishing. Bacher, C. Corporate Social Responsibility. Germany: GRIN Verlag. Bergen, P. New York: Free Press. Carroll, A. And Buchholtz, A. USA: Cengage Learning. September 11, , terrorists staged an attack on the United States. There were several areas affected, but the Twin Towers in New York City were - and still remain - the most notable. On that day many lives were lost. That department works jointly for New York and New Jersey, and was housed in the World Trade Center complex. The quick thinking of the PAPD, along with other law enforcement agencies, reduced the loss of life. References Bolton, M. September 11, terrorist attacks, and U. foreign policy. New York: Academy of Political Science Chernick, H.

New York: Russell Sage Foundation Damico, A. September 11 in Popular Culture: A Guide. New York: Greenwood. Another trend that makes the American economy seem weak after September 11th is a change in spending habits. Many economists attribute a change in retail spending to the aftermath of September 11th when really it mostly reflects an evolution in the retail industry. Over time the American consumer's needs have changed and so have the demographics. For instance, "women are the driving force behind retail purchases" Six Months, as more of them are head household now. According to BIGresearch, "consumers say they have changed and become more practical and realistic when making a purchase and In this respect, September 11th did have a direct influence on the American consumer in that their retail spending tastes changed.

Because of the attacks and fear, Americans spent more time with their families in the months after the attacks. This resulted in…. Works Cited Delong, Bradford. economic bulls. Strange Third Quarter News From Wal-Mart. com 13 Nov Accessed Jan 7. Hubbard, Glen, R. A Surprising Success! Who Would Have Predicted Such a Vigorous U. It was seen that the Russian security interests were undermined by the Taliban regime. The Taliban regime was also the one that recognized the importance of the Chechen government. It was understood by the Russians that the relationships with the Americans was the main way to enhance security in Russia.

Since September 11, it has been seen that there has been a great increase in the international prestige of Russia. Before the events of September 11, the American leaders thought of Russia as a lost cause. Russia was one of the most important allies of the U. since the September 11 attacks. After Russia became an ally, it was seen that the domestic political situation of the Russians improved as centralized system was being adopted. Since the partnership in the global war on terror, there has been an improvement in the relationships of the two countries Peter Conclusion Great…. Works Cited Briefel, Aviva. University of Texas Press, Kellner, Douglas. Lyon, David. Surveillance After September 11 Volume 11 of Themes for the 21st Century Series.

Polity, Peter, Dale, Scott. University of California Press, terrorist attacks of September 11th as well as several previous acts of domestic and international terrorism sparked responses from nearly every civic agency in the United States. Each and every agency across the nation was called to action both immediately with temporary changes and in the long-term with fundamental legal and policy actions that are believed to aid in the future response to disasters of both the man-made kind and natural Glendening, , p. Maryland is poised in a position where challenges are inherent due in part to its close proximity to Washington DC, with Maryland surrounding two thirds of Washington DC, and because of some of the fundamentally high risk target sites within it, such as a nuclear facility and its own World Trade Center in Baltimore, long and sparsely controlled coastlines, just to name a few Resources Glendening, P.

Public Administration Review 62 Special Issue: Democratic Governance in the Aftermath of September 11, Sep. This again stresses that God's love has nothing to do with Israel's attractiveness and everything to do with God's grace. God's love is faithful. We should not be surprised that God chose Israel in its weakness. This is exactly what God did in Genesis The promise of children and a land made to an old, childless couple seemed impossible. Yet they conceived, and the promise of land is about to be fulfilled for Israel now, on the verge of the Jordan, attesting to God's faithfulness. The word for "loyalty" hesed is of the essence in covenantal situations, since it refers to the mutual commitments pledged by each of the parties. On the human side, it becomes…. html Berrigan, D.

No Gods But One: Deuteronomy. Eerdmans, Bevan, D. Literature and the Bible. Rodopi Press, September 11, have had a significant impact on the way people view security. A recent study has indicated that there are two major tendencies that people experience after a major traumatic event like the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon: "a long-term lasting search for security…and a medium-term risk avoiding behavior in the loss domain. We turn away and forget. Still, I was shaken hard that morning. I will never understand why people were killed that day in New York, at the Pentagon, and in a farm field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. I mourn the hundreds of first responders and clean-up workers who were sickened or died. I despair at the subsequent thousands of dead civilians and soldiers and the millions of refugees.

The gnawing emptiness in my gut during the weeks that followed mirrored the emptiness of the skies devoid of planes. Yet, the aftershocks faded. Soon, even when I tried, I could no longer evoke the depths of despair that were once so real. For several years, the patient on whom I operated the morning the towers fell continued to come for follow-up visits. I was happy to see him. I would examine his neck and make certain his cancer had been controlled. We always spent part of the appointment reliving our shared, indelible experience. Eventually, though, there was no need for him to return. No more annual visits. He shook my hand. Yet, I know now, I had already begun the process of forgetting.

The fading passion, I am certain, protects us from being locked into permanent states of grief and anger. They evoke powerful emotions and calls to action. New leaders rise and inspire us to be part of the change. The events and names remain alive if we amplify the stories. We pledge to stay engaged. Most of our current medical students were in grade school the day that the attacks occurred. The act of telling this story again is my way of keeping a memory of that day — and the passions it engendered in me — alive. You can find more of his essays on his blog at BruceCampbellMD.

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