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Essay on research methods

Essay on research methods

A common weakness in research methods essays is they do not fully address the question by explaining the use of the method in relation to the approach or the topic in the question. Foorman, B. The dependent variable is responsive to the conditions set forth by the causal variable, essay on research methods. Adolescents' time use: Effects on substance use, delinquency and sexual activity. Your time is important.

Research Methods

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A personal journal and copies of selected group material are attached as supporting material Appendix 1. The journal helped me to record and reflect on the research processes and significant steps. As expressed by Kolb and Essay on research methods and Mumford, without reflection there will be no learning from experience Marchington and Wilkinson, Formulation of the research question Formulating and clarifying the research topic is a starting point of a research project Ghauri and Grønhaug, Evaluating the ideas, we discovered a shared interest in smartphone applications and charities, which synergies became the topic we agreed to focus on Appendix 1. The choice to use Drive for sharing group work progress was motivated by my previously negative experiences with more informal platforms e.

Facebookwhich often lead to confusion and miscommunication Appendix. This decision proved to be excellent, judging by the way we were able to coordinate and collaborate while employing our limited resources sufficiently Saunders et al, The next step in our project was to conduct preliminary secondary research in order to identify and refine a research question Jankowicz, The first shortcoming of the group was that there was not an equal involvement in the given essay on research methods Appendix 1. This created a smaller body of literature, when the group could have benefited from more findings. We conducted another brainstorming essay on research methods to uncover additional research terms and areas, which resulted in a map Appendix. After expressing my thoughts to the group, we decided to narrow down the question by focusing only on one subject highlighted in our map, the donor.

In this way we could have easier access to the population compared to other age groups i. convenience sampling. As the best contribution to knowledge must build on previous research Hart,the team decided to choose the age group I proposed because of the large body of existing literature on mobile applications usage and charitable giving in the UK for the chosen age group. The literature review helped refining the research question further Punch, Updating our conceptual map Appendix. Sourcing, evaluation and analysis of relevant secondary data We began with a portfolio of secondary data, obtained through our preliminary research where we focused on developing our research question.

Therefore, we conducted further literature research on the chosen research question. We decided to present findings in the next meeting. This was resolved when I demonstrated the use of these databases Appendix. The next essay on research methods was therefore the mapping stage, where we identified knowledge patterns and identified gaps in the literature Ridley, After reading a report from Mintel about charities using smartphone applications to reach younger donors, I realised while conducting further research essay on research methods there was a gap in the literature about the opinions of our population towards this new donation channel. It seemed then logical to us to focus the research on this gap.

Identifying How to Best Answer the Research Question Our secondary research findings informed the primary research design. Also, a research requirement was to obtain both qualitative and quantitative data in order to effectively address the research question, essay on research methods, so this philosophy seemed the most suitable. In our exploratory study we decided to employ a double phase, mixed method. The double phase method involved a quantitative research followed by a qualitative research. This decision was driven by the necessity to initially understand the main perceived behaviour in mobile usage and charitable giving, drawing upon some main aspects and themes that we could deepen further by conducting a qualitative research Jankowicz, This decision was driven mainly by the benefits of initiation for a better understanding of the research areaof facilitation gaining new supportive insights and of focus to create a deeper understanding of certain emerging aspects Zikmund et al, The themes that emerged in our quantitative research, by using a questionnaire that included open-ended questions, helped to design the quantitative research questions.

Our quantitative research consisted of an anonymous web survey containing 24 questions. We chose a self-selection sampling, due to our limited resources. Survey invitations were shared on online social essay on research methods groups popular among students in the UK and participants were not paid. At the end of the survey, participants were given the opportunity to submit their email or phone essay on research methods for our subsequent semi-structured interviews. Therefore, self-selection sampling was also used for the qualitative research.

Our qualitative research consisted of in-depth, semi-structured interviews. A shortcoming was identified in the sampling method. In selecting a sample to study, it should represent a full set of cases in a meaningful way Zikmund et al, As we chose a essay on research methods population to study, the sampling chosen was not likely to be representative. Also, as the invitations were sent on social media, only those accessing such platforms were able to respond, restricting a large percentage of the population from accessing the survey. There is likely to be a degree of self-selection bias, e. the decision to participate in the study may reflect some inherent bias in the characteristics of the participants.

This can either lead to the sample not being representative of the studied population, or exaggerating particular findings of the study. In the future, with more resources, a sampling representative of the population should be chosen. However, choosing a non-probability sampling such as self-selection sampling, still allows us to answer the research question in a non-statistical way Saunders et al, How was relevant primary data accessed, essay on research methods, gathered, recorded and analysed The secondary data obtained from the literature review provided comparative and contextual data Saunders et al,with the team being able to compare the findings about mobile usage and charitable giving.

A shortcoming essay on research methods interviews was that the audio recording tools were not working for three interviews. This was problematic, as we could not access the raw interview data and reflect on it Easterby-Smith et al, Analysing the data, we saw a contradictory result in the male and female respondents in the interest in donating; the findings of our secondary research suggested that male respondents of our target age group were more interested in donating than the female counterpart. However, our research findings showed the opposite.

This was an interesting point, but due to our aforementioned sampling problems it was difficult for us to judge if the findings were representative; we decided that the findings were acceptable. In the future, a better judgement call should be adopted, essay on research methods. I believe I defended the research professionally, effectively handled the questions and showed our strong interest in the chosen research Appendix 1, essay on research methods. I believe we demonstrated our relevant knowledge well and that our slides were visually appealing Appendix 1. This finding could have been explored further by conducting the semi-structured interview with a focus on the solution domain. However, the research philosophy chosen, pragmatism, led us to avoid any emotional reasoning to justify the answers received during the interviews Saunders et al, Common ethical challenges are conflicts of interest between the researcher and the researched Blaxter and others, We decided to conduct our research with maximal objectivity and neutrality to the topic, in order to limit biases.

We also decided to analyse our essay on research methods in an objective way, as research should be objective, essay on research methods, to present facts and findings whereupon the reader decides his opinion Saunders et essay on research methods, However, one drawback in our research presentation is that we should have presented more sophisticated reasons for such decisions. Conclusions In conclusion, I am confident that the research project was successfully managed, with acknowledged limitations and possible room for improvement. Most shortcomings were recognised and handled in order to resolve them. We learned from those that we could not resolve, such as the sampling method. We believe that we conducted good research considering the scope of this project, with a thoughtful and sensible strategy.

The delivered presentation seemed to have been well managed both in terms of time and essay on research methods. We believe we uncovered interesting findings, somehow contradictory to the secondary data. We consider our research purposeful to answer our research question, giving an insight towards a possible new donation channel, essay on research methods. References Blaxter, L. and Tight, M. Maidenhead: Open University Press Brinkman, essay on research methods, S. and Kvale, S. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Bryman, A. Business research methods 3e. Oxford university press. Clark, V. Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Clough, P.

A student's guide to methodology. Collis, J. Business research. Pan Macmillan. Crowther, D.

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Both of these concepts of the marketing research process and research methods fit into the broader definition of marketing research as defined in the text. The authors state that marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. This paper will also illustrate how these…. Controlling for this variable is critical as this study will need to establish if there are differences in the intervention short-term counseling results across race or ethnic membership. The experimental group will participate in short-term counseling sessions, as described earlier in this proposal i. The counseling sessions will be conducted to two kinds of experimental group: first, novice criminals who are currently incarcerated, and second, male teenagers who have a history of committing criminal offenses.

Names will be generated from the county or state's prison institution, to be randomly selected, but must be qualified given the initial criteria set. Data collection will be in the form of self-accomplished questionnaires before and after the short-term counseling period. To ensure the authenticity of the respondents'…. Some descriptive observation can even be unethical, if the subjects are unaware of the fact they are being observed. Historical research is similar to descriptive research in that it cannot, by virtue of its retrospective nature, affect the variables in question under tightly controlled conditions. A historian may examine historical or past trends in a descriptive or comparative way, and test a hypothesis by examining different types of data, like marital trends in 20th century America, for example, to see if people were marrying older or younger than in previous eras Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychology and Research Methods, , AllPsych.

A correlational method of research attempts determine if a relationship exists between two variables. Unlike experimental research, which attempts to make assumptions about cause and effect, correlational research assesses the strength of a relationship Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychology and Research Methods, , AllPsych. It can be useful for…. Works Cited Davis, John. Metropolitan State College of Denver. html Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychology and Research Methods. Other pertained to the consumer's preferred method of going to the Starbucks, such as whether the consumer usually patronized the same Starbucks; frequency of patronization; preference for taking out beverages vs.

eating in; and the usual size of the consumer's beverage. Finally, more subjective responses were requested, such as whether the store's customer service was good and the prices were fair. Classification of findings Findings were classified on a nominal basis, except for age and income. Because this was a small, preliminary survey, the responses and number were often merely recorded. For example, when asked 'how would you rate customer service' at Starbucks, 17 responded excellent, 3 responded good, and none responded fair. Another type of ranking would have involved ranking the customer service experience from excellent-poor and averaging the frequency of different responses for example, what numbered rankings received the greatest number of responses.

However, this was not…. Psychology esearch Methods Imagine studying correlation research. Is there a possibility that this measure can get used in an actual psychology study? What does a positive, negative or zero correlation mean? Can a relationship exist between two variables? One will study in depth correlation through much evaluation and research. The correlational research method is appropriate when an individual wants to study two different variables to see if there is a link between them or not. These are used when one wants to predict the results as well as describe what could occur between the concepts involved for the study.

For example, research was conducted by Mayer as well as in People were required to fill out questionnaires in hopes to determine if there is a correlation between nature and life satisfaction. As a result, a positive correlation was found, and the researchers determined that there was a correlation between…. References Mayer, F. The connectedness to nature scale: A measure of individuals' feeling in community with nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24, Social Media Use by Minors, Teens and Youths Benefits of children and adolescents using social media Socialization and Communication Enhanced Learning Opportunities Accessing Health Information isks of youth using social media Cyberbullying and Online Harassment Sexting Facebook Depression Privacy Concerns and Digital footprint Influence of advertisements on buying Legal amifications On 'Too Young': Mixed Messages from Parents and the Law Putting concerns over sexting into context -- the 'sexualization' of culture ole of Monitoring of Cell Phone Use and Capable Guardians ole of other professionals -- e.

Pediatricians esearch Methods and Statistics: Impact of Teenage Sexting on Children and Its Consequences Literature review Defining Sexting To date, not one state in the country has legally defined sexting. The word sexting is a combination of the…. References Attwood, F. Sexed up: Theorizing the sexualization of culture, Sexualities, 9 1 : Bailey, R. London: Department for Education. Barnes, G. Adolescents' time use: Effects on substance use, delinquency and sexual activity. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 36 5 , Christakis, D. Trapped in the net: will internet addiction become a 21st-century epidemic?

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. School Advisory Systems Some studies describe the attributes of programs that are run after school and assist in boosting social and academic growth of the youth in high school. Since the number of afterschool programs is limited, the importance of adopting the practices discussed in this paper will be significant and consequential. The effectiveness of advisory programs have corresponded to scope and intensity in the past. The delivery of learning and the ensuing firm innovation differs from program to program. Various methods are used to examine the range of delivery of various advisory programs, which are both quantitative, and qualitative Sawang, Parker and Hine, Irrespective of the chosen hypotheses, esearch methods have to be effective.

If they are not, there is a risk of failure to collect…. References Attride-Stirling, J. Thematic networks: An analytic tool for qualitative research. Qualitative Inquiry, 1, Creswell, J. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. Crooks, C. A case study of culturally relevant school-based programming for First Nations youth: improved relationships, confidence and leadership, and school success, Advances in School Mental Health Promotion. DOI: An advisory program for first- and second-year medical students: The Weill Cornell experience.

Medical Education Online, and DeWaard, J. The authors are an exprienced group of people in the field of social sciences. Chava Frankfort-Nachmias works at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is a respected Emeritus Professor of Sociology there. She has been a part of many other co-writing and co-editing projects for works like Social Statistics for a Diverse Society and Sappho in the Holy Land. David Nachmias works at the Israel Democracy Institute IDI as a Senior Fellow Emeritus. He has also worked tirelessly in projects within the fields of Public Administration and Policy, in Israel and internationally. Jack DeWaard works in the Minnesota Population Center at University of Minnesota as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology.

Reference Frankfort-Nachmias, C. Research Methods in the Social Sciences. Eighth Edition. ISBN ISBN Nachmias, C. Research Methods in the Social Sciences, Sixth Edition. New York: Worth Publishers and St. Methods Preferring to use a quantitative approach to provide the business community with numerical data it can use to transform organizational practices and increase employee retention, I will be using a survey as the primary instrument of data collection. While the central component of the survey method is a questionnaire, the survey methodology also includes the selection of the population sample, designing reliable and valid survey instruments that accurately measure the target variables, and using the most robust methods of data analysis.

Performing surveys is a critical component of social science research, and it is important to ensure survey method validity and reliability. Surveys are not necessarily easy or simple. The most common methods of collecting survey data is by using in-person questionnaires,…. References Kelley, K. Good practice in the conduct and reporting of survey research. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 15 3 : Pennsylvania State University Using surveys for data collection in continuous improvement. Innovation Insights pdf Pew Research Center Collecting survey data. Understanding and evaluating survey research. Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology 6 2 : Qualitative research does not depend on numbers or statistics, unlike quantitative research.

Liberated from the need to devise surveys or instruments to measure only quantifiable results, the research can gather information that is more abstract, subjective, or exploratory in nature. Both qualitative and quantitative research are empirical methods relevant to the social sciences, and can be used together to bolster understanding of a specific subject, population, theory, issue, or set of variables. Some of the most common research designs used in qualitative research include interviews, observations, and case studies. Some of the drawbacks of qualitative research methods include the small sample size, and the lack of generalizable data.

To make up for this drawback, researchers can supplement their initial qualitative research with a follow-up study that focuses on some of the key variables that were elucidated in the qualitative research. Qualitative research is systematic, even though it is not…. References Morse, J. Verification strategies for establishing reliability and validity in qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 1 2. standard indicators for which statistical time series data and targets are accessible, but also take into account social aspects, for instance, the fair apportionment of benefits and encumbrances of the energy transition amid social groups and even the participation of citizens in the transformation process. These social constructs are lacking in preceding approaches, which indicates a certain level of inefficiency.

Taking this into account, the authors make the hypothesis that an all-inclusive indicator system is required as tool for analysis to examine the sustainability of the German energy system in addition to supporting the advancement of resilient political approaches for an efficacious energy transition Rosch et al. How would you describe the purpose of the study - What was the major purpose of the study -- descriptive, explanatory investigating causal relationships? The purpose of this study is to make a contribution to the debate regarding indicators necessitated for making…. Descrptive Design esearch Method and Design Proposal A research design is the approach utilized for a study used as a guide in gathering and analyzing data.

There are two popular methods of research; qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research is an inductive, holistic, subjective, and process-oriented method technique employed to understand, interpret, describe, and establish a theory on a given topic, phenomena, or setting. Investigators employ this technique when their studies attempt to describe life experiences and give them meaning. In most cases, the method has associations with words, language and experiences, rather than measurements, statistics and numerical figures. When the investigators use this method, they adapt a person centered, and holistic view to comprehend the given phenomenal without focusing on particular concepts. In addition, this method is dynamic and developmental, and it does not employ the use of formal structured instruments Hodkinson, Most importantly, qualitative data methods….

References Bickman, L. Chapter 1 Applied research design: A practical approach. pdf Grimes, A. Descriptive studies: What they can do and cannot do. Lancet, , Hofferth, S. Secondary data analysis in family research. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, -- Experimental esearch Methods in Business Experimental esearch Methods The author provides a survey of the literature illustrating applied experimental research methods in cross-sections of business and organization types. The advantages and disadvantages of the experimental research methods are discussed for each of the examples provided which run the gamut from depression-era agricultural economics to research conducted for the National Science Institute. While the article focuses on business research methods, the range of examples from multiple disciplines serves to demonstrate the adaptability of various methods to distinct contexts, the importance of thoughtfully developed research questions, and perceptions in the field regarding scientific rigor.

The article is intended to guide students in their exploration of the breadth and depth of experimental research methods and to convey a sense of the challenges of applied scientific inquiry. Introduction The study of business topics has not always been inherently scientific. Certainly the work of Max…. References Campbell, A. A quick guide to research methods, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 25 3 , Cooper, D. And Schindler, P. Business research methods. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Demarco, T. Adrenaline junkies and template zombies: Understanding patterns of project behavior.

New York, NY: Dorset House Publishing Co. Elliott F. Experimental method in economic research, Journal of Farm Economics, 11 4 nursing interventions purposed at assisting ambulatory surgical patients with the management of postoperative symptoms at home. The problem statement is easy to locate and is clearly stated. In addition, the problem statement does build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study in the need for obtaining research data about nursing interventions. The problem stated does have significance for nursing with respect to patient care given to patients subsequent to receiving ambulatory surgery. The research might contribute to nursing practice by outlining the proper and fitting nursing interventions needed to ensure that ambulatory surgical patients do not experience pain after the procedures.

There is a good fit between the research problem and the paradigm within which the research was conducted, in that, the research encompassed comparison between patients that received NCI intervention and those that experienced usual practice to examine the impact. As pointed out, the research does provide…. Summary and Analysis of The Forgotten Followers Contingency Model of Leadership and Follower Self-leadership by Seokhwa Yun and Jonathan Cox and Henry P Sims Jr. This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of leadership and follower attributes on follower self-leadership. As shown in the abstract, the purpose of the study was to assess the effect of leadership and follower attributes and follower self-leadership.

The researchers found that the impact of leadership on follower self-leadership was dependent on follower need for autonomy. some people…. gender discrepancies in regards to African-American education. There has been a noticeable, growing increase of the presence of African-American women in undergraduate and graduate education while the gap between African-American males and females has widened. The dissertation will use a mixed methods, grounded theory perspective to determine why this is the case. The overall theoretical perspective of the work will be rooted in critical race theory and poststructuralist concepts. Quantitatively assessed questionnaires and coded qualitative interviews will attempt to answer the question of why African-American male participation in higher education lags behind that of African-American females.

These trends will be contextualized in the overall, larger trend of increased female participation as a whole on the undergraduate and graduate levels, to the point that women are now graduating in greater numbers than their male colleagues. As well as research questions specific to the dissertation, the relative merits of qualitative and quantitative…. References Charmaz, Kathy. Grounded theory. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. Journal of Blacks in Higher Education. Furthermore, the research will eventually lead to the development of both an understanding and a means through which an individual can improve his or her business sense. Though some papers have been published on this topic, there has not been enough research in this respect.

Some preliminary questions will address;. Is the brain programmed for business success in all individuals? If one can remember most effectively images and associations, why do so many people use standard outlining techniques? How can one use one's whole brain to make dreams come true? How can on improve the brain in order to maximize one's abilities? What are the ways to increase the power of our memory, focus and creativity? With regards to research methods, mostly qualitative research methods will be employed during the research, such as the analysis of an interview, for instance, but the addition of quantitative methods will also be employed,…. References that may be utilized Pillay S. November 15, Your Brain and Business: The Neuroscience of Great Leaders Buzan T.

Business esearch Methods The company selected for this particular analysis is Samsung Group. This public company is one of the biggest companies in the mobile industry. The following table will outline the SWOT analysis of the company. Strengths Easy integration with different operating systems and software Customer loyalty High level of innovation and design Low production costs Strong brand marketing Significant share market in many products Weaknesses Too reliant on other software companies Place emphasis on too many products Patent infringements Minimal profit margin Key rival companies are largest buyers Opportunities Increased growth in tablet market Developing mobile advertising market Great prospects for diversification Growing Indian market Threats ival companies place emphasis on one product Price wars Change in innovation and technology Depletion of one product line impacts the others Competition from Chinese commodities Strengths 1.

Easy integration with different operating systems and software: Samsung places great emphasis on creating…. References Bohm, A. The SWOT Analysis. Berlin: GRIN Publishers. Warner, A. Strategic Analysis and choice: A structured approach. New York: Business Expert Press, LLC. Consider how qualitative and quantitative research methods complement one another, and consider the role of mixed methods designs. Quantitative and qualitative social science study techniques have, for long, remained discrete, barely overlapping, spheres. However, the quest for genuinely complementary research techniques is also a greatly challenging task as it implies extra expenses, in terms of human as well as monetary resources, in addition to the development of ethical quandaries pertaining to follow- up and a need for collaboration and respecting diverse epistemological and methodological stands Maxwell, Using a qualitative process prior to engaging in survey work is, without a doubt, the most widely….

Christian Perspective Discussion and Inference Synthesis Paper Comprehension about esearch A key responsibility of the work of a professional researcher is that of publishing research results. esearchers' writings always serve as a store of knowledge for the writer, but researchers also pen their findings because their peers and readers expect a standard language, form and style when reviewing their work. While it can be hard for beginners to write in a clear scientific style, the skill is trainable and can be mastered with practice Michael Derntl, When doing case study research, as one looks at past studies and reports, the researcher gets a unique opportunity to explore and understand some of the most complicated issues in society from differing perspectives.

This approach can be viewed as robust approach especially when in depth and holistic investigations are involved. Case study is appreciated in many fields as a critical tool to…. A Brief Guide to Writing the Psychology Paper. Harvard College Writing Center. Jennifer Marie Mccarron. An Integration Of Biblical Principles In Counseling: Psychology Filtered Through Scripture. Honors Program Liberty University. Kohlberg, L.. From is to ought: How to commit the naturalistic fallacy and get away with it in the study of moral development. New York: Academic Press. Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development: A Christian Apprisal. The survey should be demographically balanced: in other words, it should be representative of the consumers whose behavior the survey was designed to assess in terms of gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

The questions should be clear and simple, and free from misleading wording that could influence the results. The survey questions should be internally consistent -- in other words, responses that indicate wildly different views in the responses of the same individual raise questions about internal validity. There should be controls to prevent respondents from presenting themselves in an overly positive light. The survey should not draw overly broad conclusions, based upon what respondents were asked. The city should take public responsibility for its actions, stating that although it was trying to act in the best interests of the city, it crossed the line when it hired a private investigator to infiltrate the boating organization.

Avoiding litigation…. References Basic vs. applied research. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. html ROI. asp Trochim, William. Social Research Methods. Statistics Web Critique of a Website The chosen website for criticizing the web is from AAMFT, n. d-American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. The site contains content such as family and marriage counseling, building career, finding the appropriate therapist, using webinars to enhance knowledge, annual events and conferences, professional advancement on both state and federal levels, all relevant information about the association and membership application. Some other relevant content include news, job connection, professional development, adoption, adult ADHD, children from same sex marriages and their same sex parents, and infertility issues.

Among the website strengths are detailed contact information and time of response with office times and availability, without any broken links, and the UL of the website that is straightforward and concise including the company's abbreviation. The limitations are a lot of information contained on the site's home page. Although a home page is expected to be easily navigatable…. References AAMFT Community. Belief in the unstructured interview: The persistence of an illusion. Judgment and Decision Making, 8. Ethical esponsibility There are several ethical responsibilities that psychologists need to consider when conducting a research with adult human participants. The first is to follow APA American Psychological Association ethics standards for rights of the participants Zechmeister, n.

Second, the researchers must conduct a risk-benefit analysis before carrying out the study. Third, the researchers must take informed consent of the participant, which is the critical ethical responsibility in every exploration. Fourth, maintaining the participant's confidentiality is another major ethical task. Privacy should be maintained in order to gain true data from the respondents. Fifth, deception should be avoided. Last, a quick but comprehensive debriefing should be given to the human adults so that any possible misconceptions could be avoided. Historical Example of Psychological esearch One historical example of psychological research that raised serious ethical questions is Milgram Obedience Study Cherry, It was conducted after World War 2,….

References Cherry, K. The Milgram obedience experiment. Very Well. The Stanford prison experiment. Ethical guidance. Essentials of research methods in psychology. India: Tata McGraw-Hill Education. This course fulfills its promise to help students understand research methods in education and educational administration specifically. Concepts of research have been covered clearly, to allow students better insight into how they might construct their own research from the proposal stage through the analysis and interpretation of results.

Through encounters with original research like the Porter, Polikoff, Goldring, et al. Moreover, this course empowers students to adopt a professional mindset to evaluate the research of others, consider gaps in the literature, and contribute to the growing body of evidence on educational administration. We also decided to analyse our findings in an objective way, as research should be objective, to present facts and findings whereupon the reader decides his opinion Saunders et al, However, one drawback in our research presentation is that we should have presented more sophisticated reasons for such decisions. Conclusions In conclusion, I am confident that the research project was successfully managed, with acknowledged limitations and possible room for improvement.

Most shortcomings were recognised and handled in order to resolve them. We learned from those that we could not resolve, such as the sampling method. We believe that we conducted good research considering the scope of this project, with a thoughtful and sensible strategy. The delivered presentation seemed to have been well managed both in terms of time and defence. We believe we uncovered interesting findings, somehow contradictory to the secondary data. We consider our research purposeful to answer our research question, giving an insight towards a possible new donation channel. References Blaxter, L.

and Tight, M. Maidenhead: Open University Press Brinkman, S. and Kvale, S. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Bryman, A. Business research methods 3e. Oxford university press. Clark, V. Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Clough, P. A student's guide to methodology. Collis, J. Business research. Pan Macmillan. Crowther, D. Research methods. Easterby-Smith, M. Management research. Harlow: Prentice Hall Forsyth, P. London: Kogan Page. Ghauri, P. and Gronhaug, K. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Gill, J. Research methods for managers. Hart, C. London: Sage publications. Jankowicz, A. London: Thompson Krueger, R. and Casey, M. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Marchington, M. Human resource management at work. Designing Qualitative Research. Thousands Oaks: Sage Publication 4th edition Myers, M.

Qualitative research in business and management. Punch, K. London: Sage. Radford, M. and Barr L. Selecting, evaluating and citing. Boston, USA: Allyn and Bacon. Ridley, D. Rowley, J. Conducting research interviews. Rowntree, D. London: Pelican Books. Saunders, M. and Thornhill, A. Mixed methods research. The Sage handbook of qualitative research, Yin, R. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Zikmund, W. Business research methods. Cengage Learning. Appendices Appendix. Anyways, the meeting went well and I am very positive. We spent some time exchanging contacts and we decided a method of contact, which is Whatsapp. We decided to share our work on the GoogleDocs platform. I had some bad experiences using Facebook sharing documents etc.

Then we started talking about the topic and I asked what they thought of the assignment. Some said it looked very difficult. We started talking about the topic of interest and I proposed to write down any topic where we wanted to know more about. We started then talking about University experience, supermarket habits and coffee preferences. However, we decided that we were not very interested in these topic and we wanted to do something different. However, most of the group disagreed and thought that there is no easy topic, but maybe there is an easier way to obtain secondary and primary research about more common themes. Then I suggested we could do something related to an article I was reading, about charities and technology in the UK. We started talking about the topic and roughly envision some ways on how to design the research and how to conduct the research method.

We all agreed that the area of charities related to a new technological channel of donation would be of interest and we decided this as a topic. However, we acknowledged that this was a rough idea and that we needed more time and research to draw the final research question and methodology. Personally, I was a bit worried about the level of attention of some group members. I tried to ask for a bit more of attention but the result was not effective. I thought this was a pity because I believe the group would benefit from a wider choice of perspectives and contributions. However I decided not to further interrupt the meeting.

I wish I were a bit clearer in making sure that everybody would contribute effectively and without continuous distractions. Maybe they are, but I cannot judge right now. After deciding the topic we divided the task of searching some secondary data about charities in the UK and what kind of channel for donations are they using. I added that maybe Mintel would carry some relevant reports. We decided to bring 3 articles each for the next meeting, before the seminar of Research Methods, composing a literature summary from the framework provided on Moodle, for each article. In experimental research , you systematically intervene in a process and measure the outcome.

The validity of your research will depend on your experimental design. To conduct an experiment, you need to be able to vary your independent variable , precisely measure your dependent variable, and control for confounding variables. Your data analysis methods will depend on the type of data you collect and how you prepare it for analysis. Data can often be analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. For example, survey responses could be analyzed qualitatively by studying the meanings of responses or quantitatively by studying the frequencies of responses. Qualitative analysis is used to understand words, ideas, and experiences.

You can use it to interpret data that was collected:. Quantitative analysis uses numbers and statistics to understand frequencies, averages and correlations in descriptive studies or cause-and-effect relationships in experiments. Because the data is collected and analyzed in a statistically valid way, the results of quantitative analysis can be easily standardized and shared among researchers. Can only be applied to studies that collected data in a statistically valid manner. Thematic analysis Qualitative To analyze data collected from interviews, focus groups or textual sources.

To understand general themes in the data and how they are communicated. Content analysis Either To analyze large volumes of textual or visual data collected from surveys, literature reviews, or other sources. Can be quantitative i. frequencies of words or qualitative i. meanings of words. Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings. Quantitative methods allow you to systematically measure variables and test hypotheses. Qualitative methods allow you to explore concepts and experiences in more detail.

In mixed methods research , you use both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods to answer your research question. A sample is a subset of individuals from a larger population. Sampling means selecting the group that you will actually collect data from in your research. For example, if you are researching the opinions of students in your university, you could survey a sample of students. In statistics, sampling allows you to test a hypothesis about the characteristics of a population. The research methods you use depend on the type of data you need to answer your research question. Methodology refers to the overarching strategy and rationale of your research project.

It involves studying the methods used in your field and the theories or principles behind them, in order to develop an approach that matches your objectives. Methods are the specific tools and procedures you use to collect and analyze data for example, experiments, surveys , and statistical tests. In shorter scientific papers, where the aim is to report the findings of a specific study, you might simply describe what you did in a methods section. In a longer or more complex research project, such as a thesis or dissertation , you will probably include a methodology section , where you explain your approach to answering the research questions and cite relevant sources to support your choice of methods.

Have a language expert improve your writing. Check your paper for plagiarism in 10 minutes. Do the check. Generate your APA citations for free! APA Citation Generator. Home Knowledge Base Methodology. An introduction to research methods Research methods are specific procedures for collecting and analyzing data. Your methods depend on what type of data you need to answer your research question : Qualitative vs. quantitative : Will your data take the form of words or numbers? Primary vs. secondary : Will you collect original data yourself, or will you use data that has already been collected by someone else?

Descriptive vs.

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