Thursday, February 17, 2022

Immigration essay outline

Immigration essay outline

The investigative divisions and discernment gathering units of the INS and Customs Service were blended framing Homeland Security Investigations. Its responsibilities vary from ensuring no illegal and smuggling of goods take place at the immigration essay outline. We understand that studies are the foundation of success; yet they can be quite a challenge without extra help, immigration essay outline. Detention facilities are used for those aliens who have already been arrested and are awaiting the supervision of the custodian. Free Essays and Research Papers Global Citizenship Essay Do My Essay! The government doctors suspected the cancer required the amputation of the penis but they did nothing towards the effect, the cancer spread extremely fast and the alien died.

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Are you in High School, College, Masters, Bachelors or Ph. D and need someone to help write your essay or research? We offer premium quality essay writing help. My Essay Services is an experienced service with over 9 years experience in research writing of over 97, essays over the years. You will receive a plagiarism check certificate that confirms originality for any essay you order with My Essay Services. Fill the calculator on your right to begin placing your order now! The United States immigration and customs enforcement can be described as a federal agency that is mandated with the enforcement of federal laws that are intended to govern border control, customs, trade and immigration in the borders of the United States.

The Immigration and Customs enforcement is responsible for the detention of aliens that are found in the country illegally, immigration essay outline. However, in recent times, immigration essay outline, it has come under the scrutiny of Human rights watch groups that have claimed that its systems are fundamentally redundant and that they are nothing of what they should be. This prompted this research in order to understand indeed whether the detention facilities have the deplorable conditions that have been described by some human watch groups.

The United States immigration and customs enforcement was also created in a bid to ensure that it is able to promote public safety as well as homeland security. The United States immigration and customs enforcement has two primary components and they include Homeland security investigations and enforcement and removal operations ERO. The mission of the United States immigration and customs enforcement also involves the identification, arresting and the removal of aliens that represent a danger to national security or are a risk to public safety, and those that enter into the enter the United States in an illegal manner or otherwise they undermine the integrity of our immigration laws as well as the border control efforts.

The branch of Enforcement and removal operations ERO is important and it upholds America's immigration law at and within the America's borders through the efficient enforcement as well as removal operations. The ERO is supposed to enforce the nation's immigration laws in a fair as well as effective manner. It is supposed to lead in the identification and apprehension aliens and detain these individuals when it is necessary and remove these illegal aliens from the United States. It is of the essence to note that the ERO often prioritizes the arresting and removal of convicted criminals as well as those that pose a threat to the national security of the United States, immigration essay outline. However, in the past there have been immigration essay outline issues regarding the detention of citizens, the conditions of the existing facilities and whether the law is followed to the letter in the detention of these immigrants and illegal aliens.

Problem Statement. The ICE immigration essay outline and immigration essay outline operations ERO often manage and oversee the national civil immigration detention system, immigration essay outline. The ICE is given mandate by the constitution to detain the illegal aliens and the detainees are often placed in ERO custody represent virtually every country in each of the countries of the world, those with various security classifications, both genders and the different medical conditions that range from healthy to the terminally ill. It is of the essence to understand that the Non-U. S citizens that are apprehended and determined to need what is referred to as custodial supervision are often placed in several detention facilities.

It is of the essence to understand that the ERO often looks at the processes and it effectively monitors the detained and non-detained cases as they move through the immigration court proceedings to a reasonable conclusion LeMay, It is at this point that the ERO goes ahead and it executes the judge's immigration essay outline. However, of late there have been several issues regarding the detention of non-citizens and the way they are treated in the detention facility, immigration essay outline. It is imperative to understand that the Immigration and Customs enforcement houses a daily average of around 29, immigration essay outline, detainees in over facilities that exist in the Immigration essay outline States LeMay, There are various type of detention facilities such as the service processing centers, state and local jails as well as contract detention facilities LeMay, There are some persons that have argued that some of the detention facilities are not up to par and that some of the detainees often face inhumane conditions in these detention facilities.

This paper is going to explore some of the conditions that exist in the detention facilities, the death of several people in detention and whether indeed these detention facilities are humane. Purpose Statement. The United States administration has often vowed to overhaul the immigration detention and has promised to create a more humane treatment as well as immigration essay outline. There have been several persons that have died because of immigration essay outline harrowing treatment under the custody of the United States immigration and customs enforcement LeMay, However, the situation regarding the conditions of the detention facilities and the handling of the illegal aliens continue to be a major issue in the United States.

Therefore, by exploring these conditions and the handling of the aliens it is possible for the monitoring of the situation at the facility and consequently understand what truly is going on these detention facilities. Research Questions, immigration essay outline. There are several research questions that will effectively guide this experiment and make sure that it goes in the right direction and fulfill its objectives and thesis, immigration essay outline. What are the conditions that exist in the detention facilities? What are some high profile deaths that have occurred in the detention facilities?

Is the ERO carrying out its mandate in the right manner by detaining the individuals and sometimes mistreating them? Key Points Addressed. The existing conditions of the United States immigration immigration essay outline customs enforcement owned detention facilities. The deaths and injuries that have occurred to immigrants while they are in these detention facilities either as a result of mishandling by the United States immigration and customs enforcement officials or because of the existing conditions in the detention facilities.

The current efforts that are being carried out at the Federal government to try and improve the conditions that exist in the detention facilities and also the handling of the illegal aliens in the detention facilities. There will be the use of a mixed method of both qualitative and quantitative methods in this research paper. The qualitative methods will be based on the interviews and the information from the different spheres. On the other hand, it is of the essence to note that quantitative methods on the other hand will be pivotal in order to understand the underlying effects of the problem and whether the issue of the conditions that exist in the detention facilities is either systemic or it is a problem created by the current leadership. This paper is going to utilize both primary and secondary resources.

Primary resources will include interviews with several specialists that are concerned with the workings of the Immigration and customs enforcement agency. The interviews will be structured, and they will involve the use of several pre-determined questions in order to ensure that they can be able to ensure the uniformity of the answers. Further, there will also be the use of questionnaires in the different ICE departments in order to get a glimpse of the different exercises that goes on in their detention facilities. The secondary resources on the hand will include the Immigration and customs enforcement agency website, literature on the conditions and handling of the aliens and different functions of the ICE as well as information from interviews with several ICE workers. This literature will be collected immigration essay outline not limited to magazines, journals, newspapers, books, blogs and Websites.

There are assumptions that will be made in this research paper, the first is that the articles that are reviewed give an accurate description of the conditions in the ICE detention facilities and that the interviews that were carried out by the research team were extremely accurate in the description of the different events and situations in the ICE detention facilities. The Human rights watch group has put the ICE under its radar for immigration essay outline it refers to as human rights violations in the detention facilities that are owned and operated by the ICE Hayes, In fact, over the last few years there have been several people that have died in these detention facilities and consequently, immigration essay outline, it can be argued that indeed there is an issue brewing in this sector and it needs to be taken into account in a quick manner in order for it to be solved in an efficient and effective manner.

Therefore, this paper will examine these cases and look at the conditions that the Human rights watch groups have labeled as hostile and downright inhospitable, immigration essay outline. There are several limitations that occurred in relation to this study. Firstly, there was inadequate knowledge and information regarding the detention facilities and this is because they are not well documented and their access is often denied and limited. Further, there was also another limitation in that most employees in the ICE were not comfortable when it came to discussing matters relating to the ERO and they feigned ignorance in such matter McWhirter, immigration essay outline, This therefore, immigration essay outline, made it hard for the research team to find accurate results in a relation to the detention facilities and the handling of the aliens in these facilities at large.

American have for a long time known that the government has been running what can be described as secretive immigration prison where detainees have often disappeared and their grave illness and most of their injuries untreated. In fact, the fate of these aliens are often undisclosed until after their early as well as unnecessary deaths. After the sourcing of several literature relating to this issue by several journalists, the matter has come to light and how the government is strenuously trying to immigration essay outline up for the failings. Read also about the US Immigration Agency. The government together with the ICE has been known to keep lawyers in the dark, the deflecting of blame, and fighting outside as well as oversight transparency Cornelisse, immigration essay outline, According to digging by The Times as well as the American Civil liberties Union it was found out that the conditions in the detention centers were deplorable, immigration essay outline.

The research team interviewed one member of the staff that argued immigration essay outline the detainee that killed himself had a broken leg and his pain became unbearable and consequently after not receiving medical care, he decided to kill himself. There was one case that was cited by many staff officials during their interviews and questionnaires. This was the case of a Chinese computer engineer that was dragged from the Rhode Island Immigration jail and he was continuously mocked by guards and he screamed in pain from the undiagnosed cancer as well as a broken spine Olshansky, immigration essay outline, The Chinese computer engineer eventually died. Another detainee was held for almost two years in a California detention center and he was denied a biopsy for what can be described as painful penile lesions.

The government doctors suspected the cancer required the amputation of the penis but they did nothing towards the effect, immigration essay outline, the cancer spread extremely fast and the alien died, immigration essay outline. Some of the detention facilities are in deplorable conditions, for example, the death of Dominguez Valdivia who was detained for two months and a half at the Adelanto immigration. This was detention complex built to house convicts and in the yearit was contracted by the ICE to house immigrants into two wings east and west Cornelisse, However, the detainees that were interviewed in this research paper argued that the East wing had leaking as well as broken pipes.

It is immigration essay outline place where Valdivia was forced to stay while he was fighting bronchitis while at the same time not receiving medical attention, immigration essay outline. It is in the hospital that the bronchopneumonia spread into the blood stream and consequently caused a multi-organ failure. It is of the essence to understand that the U. S office of detention oversight found that indeed that the death of Dominquez came as a result of the poor living conditions inside the detention complex and could have been avoided. However, despite this problem, there are other detention centers around the country that have leaking pipes, leaking roofs and even sub-standard toilets that causes a hygiene nightmare.

It is of the essence to understand that there have been over deaths that have occurred since the year in the over detention centers for immigrants in the country Meeropol, The conditions of these detention centers have been effectively blamed when it comes to the death of these persons as well as the lack of immigration essay outline attention in these facilities. According to an investigation by Detention Watch Network none of the detention centers that exist in the United States can be able to effectively guarantee the detainees basic medical care immigration essay outline even the adequate protection against physical and sexual abuse. Further, immigration essay outline, these detention facilities do not guarantee enough contact with the outside in order to preserve their families and consequently prepare their legal defense.

Further, there have been cases where there have been the rationing of meals, immigration essay outline, leaking pipes and beds full of crawling insects. These conditions are extremely immigration essay outline and consequently there is a need to something in order to change this situation Bosworth, There are two main problems that have led to the persistence of this problem and they are the ones that are supposed immigration essay outline be tackled by legislation they include the fact immigration essay outline there is lack of independent oversight and the fact that the detention centers do not apply the same standards as those stipulated in the contract.

The government has since promised to remedy the situation and promised immigration essay outline top-to-bottom reform of the immense detention system that was erected in a sloppy haste during the Bush years. It is of the essence to understand that the detention system was put up by largely private contractors that had a dim regard for oversight and standards Bray, The leader of the Immigration and Customs enforcement has introduced plans that are intended to create a system of civil detention that will be suitable for inmates that are not criminals. The research has found out that indeed that there is mistreatment of the inmates and there are deplorable conditions in the detention facilities that exist in the United States.

There are some of the detention facilities that are leaking while others should be out or order but are currently being used. The medical attention that is given in these detention facilities is bare minimum and in fact most deaths have occurred because of lack of enough medical attention to the patients. This is a systemic process and it should be changed in order to ensure that inmates are taken care of in the most humane way Cornelisse, The United States is immigration essay outline leading country in terms of advocating for human rights and therefore, it is should not in any way allow human rights violations to occur in its own back immigration essay outline and turn a blind eye on the situation.

Olshansky, B. Democracy Detained: Secret Unconstitutional Practices in the U. War on Terror.

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It is also noteworthy that illegal immigrants play a significant role in increasing the gross domestic product of the United States. Many of these immigrants contribute to the economy through provision of labor in industries, farms, and other economic sectors Smith, Over the years, it has been difficult to estimate the contribution of illegal immigrants towards the goods and services produced in the United States each year. The complexity of this economic subject makes it hard to model the financial contribution of illegal immigrants Smith, Thus even though illegal immigrants contribute to a third of population growth in the U.

every year, they contribute economically through purchasing food supplies and homes, paying rent, getting haircuts, and consuming other commercial services. Further, low-skilled unauthorized immigrant workers make U. wages to experience a downward pressure. A fall in wages both for foreign and native low-skilled workers increases the productivity of businesses as it lowers labor costs. This earns higher income for employers. In economic terms, this net economic gain in the country is known as the immigration surplus. The productive potential of the hired immigrant workers determines the size of this surplus. Apart from the economic contributions they make, illegal immigrants have several negative implications on the economy of the United States.

They fear that illegal immigrants take most of the jobs that would have otherwise belonged to ordinary Americans Alangari, Illegal immigrants are as well known to contribute to a reduction in the overall wages by accepting low remunerations in exchange for their labor. Research shows that illegal immigrants indeed contribute to a reduction in payments, and this negatively affects American citizens who have no high school education Alangari, Research shows illegal immigration leads to a 1. According to a variety of research findings, illegal immigration leads to increased rate of joblessness in some industries but not in all. A high proportion of immigrants get employed in service industries such as transportation and loading, and in restaurants, where they are subjected to poor working conditions and low pay Alangari, Therefore, illegal immigration contributes to increased unemployment among American natives with no college or high school education.

As earlier mentioned, the United States government restricts illegal immigrants from accessing welfare services, but this policy does not apply to children. According to the American Constitution, any child born on American soil is an American citizen Alangari, Through this law, children born of illegal immigrants have a different status from their parents, as they are considered legal immigrants. Research shows more than three-quarters of children who belong to illegal immigrants were born in the U. A study provided an estimate of 4 million immigrant children that had been born in the US.

Such children are allowed access to government aid meant for young American children Alangari, Children education is as well treated differently from other social services, and therefore the law that restricts illegal immigrants from accessing welfare services does not apply in this case. All children irrespective of whether or not they were born on American soil are allowed access to free education Alangari, The same policy applies to emergency healthcare services. Undoubtedly, every child has a right to education as stipulated in the American Constitution. However, there is a misconception and argument that children of undocumented immigrants should not receive any form of free public education.

However, as earlier mentioned, every child in the U. between the ages of five and 21 has a legal right to be in school no matter the status of their documentation. In fact, in , the Supreme Court was clear through the case of Pyeler v. Doe , where it ruled that states have no legal right to deny a student the right to free education because of their immigration status Yeager, Therefore, educators are left with a crucial role in teaching learners on what information is right or wrong concerning immigrants. It is clear that there are many undocumented immigrants in the U. Therefore, it is essential to answer the question or consider the fact why many individuals get into the U. In a news article by the American Voices, the answer to the question is from a logistical standpoint.

That is, many immigrants get into the U. The process that leads to legal permanency in the U. is not an option for many people as there are only three options where an individual can immigrate. These are employer-based immigration, family-based immigration, and asylum. Therefore, just a few options are left for the many people who would love to get permanent residency in the U. The issue of undocumented immigration is a massive problem in the U. Although the debate on immigration has two sides, one side of the discussion lays down its facts based on misconceptions and ill-presented facts. There are enough evidence and statistical facts that show immigrants are not as bad as people consider them to be. On the same note, although every individual who moves into the U. would love to do so through proper channels, the few options left for them are not enough.

Haines, D. American Immigration Council. Mascareñaz, L. Newland, K. Migration Policy. Rezouni, S. Illegal immigration: causes, consequences, and national security implication? Carlisle, PA: U. Army War College. Siddiqui, S. There are some persons that have argued that some of the detention facilities are not up to par and that some of the detainees often face inhumane conditions in these detention facilities. This paper is going to explore some of the conditions that exist in the detention facilities, the death of several people in detention and whether indeed these detention facilities are humane.

Purpose Statement. The United States administration has often vowed to overhaul the immigration detention and has promised to create a more humane treatment as well as accountability. There have been several persons that have died because of the harrowing treatment under the custody of the United States immigration and customs enforcement LeMay, However, the situation regarding the conditions of the detention facilities and the handling of the illegal aliens continue to be a major issue in the United States. Therefore, by exploring these conditions and the handling of the aliens it is possible for the monitoring of the situation at the facility and consequently understand what truly is going on these detention facilities.

Research Questions. There are several research questions that will effectively guide this experiment and make sure that it goes in the right direction and fulfill its objectives and thesis. What are the conditions that exist in the detention facilities? What are some high profile deaths that have occurred in the detention facilities? Is the ERO carrying out its mandate in the right manner by detaining the individuals and sometimes mistreating them? Key Points Addressed. The existing conditions of the United States immigration and customs enforcement owned detention facilities.

The deaths and injuries that have occurred to immigrants while they are in these detention facilities either as a result of mishandling by the United States immigration and customs enforcement officials or because of the existing conditions in the detention facilities. The current efforts that are being carried out at the Federal government to try and improve the conditions that exist in the detention facilities and also the handling of the illegal aliens in the detention facilities. There will be the use of a mixed method of both qualitative and quantitative methods in this research paper. The qualitative methods will be based on the interviews and the information from the different spheres.

On the other hand, it is of the essence to note that quantitative methods on the other hand will be pivotal in order to understand the underlying effects of the problem and whether the issue of the conditions that exist in the detention facilities is either systemic or it is a problem created by the current leadership. This paper is going to utilize both primary and secondary resources. Primary resources will include interviews with several specialists that are concerned with the workings of the Immigration and customs enforcement agency. The interviews will be structured, and they will involve the use of several pre-determined questions in order to ensure that they can be able to ensure the uniformity of the answers.

Further, there will also be the use of questionnaires in the different ICE departments in order to get a glimpse of the different exercises that goes on in their detention facilities. The secondary resources on the hand will include the Immigration and customs enforcement agency website, literature on the conditions and handling of the aliens and different functions of the ICE as well as information from interviews with several ICE workers. This literature will be collected but not limited to magazines, journals, newspapers, books, blogs and Websites. There are assumptions that will be made in this research paper, the first is that the articles that are reviewed give an accurate description of the conditions in the ICE detention facilities and that the interviews that were carried out by the research team were extremely accurate in the description of the different events and situations in the ICE detention facilities.

The Human rights watch group has put the ICE under its radar for what it refers to as human rights violations in the detention facilities that are owned and operated by the ICE Hayes, In fact, over the last few years there have been several people that have died in these detention facilities and consequently, it can be argued that indeed there is an issue brewing in this sector and it needs to be taken into account in a quick manner in order for it to be solved in an efficient and effective manner. Therefore, this paper will examine these cases and look at the conditions that the Human rights watch groups have labeled as hostile and downright inhospitable. There are several limitations that occurred in relation to this study.

Firstly, there was inadequate knowledge and information regarding the detention facilities and this is because they are not well documented and their access is often denied and limited. Further, there was also another limitation in that most employees in the ICE were not comfortable when it came to discussing matters relating to the ERO and they feigned ignorance in such matter McWhirter,, This therefore, made it hard for the research team to find accurate results in a relation to the detention facilities and the handling of the aliens in these facilities at large. American have for a long time known that the government has been running what can be described as secretive immigration prison where detainees have often disappeared and their grave illness and most of their injuries untreated.

In fact, the fate of these aliens are often undisclosed until after their early as well as unnecessary deaths. After the sourcing of several literature relating to this issue by several journalists, the matter has come to light and how the government is strenuously trying to cover up for the failings. Read also about the US Immigration Agency. The government together with the ICE has been known to keep lawyers in the dark, the deflecting of blame, and fighting outside as well as oversight transparency Cornelisse, According to digging by The Times as well as the American Civil liberties Union it was found out that the conditions in the detention centers were deplorable. The research team interviewed one member of the staff that argued that the detainee that killed himself had a broken leg and his pain became unbearable and consequently after not receiving medical care, he decided to kill himself.

There was one case that was cited by many staff officials during their interviews and questionnaires. This was the case of a Chinese computer engineer that was dragged from the Rhode Island Immigration jail and he was continuously mocked by guards and he screamed in pain from the undiagnosed cancer as well as a broken spine Olshansky, The Chinese computer engineer eventually died. Another detainee was held for almost two years in a California detention center and he was denied a biopsy for what can be described as painful penile lesions. The government doctors suspected the cancer required the amputation of the penis but they did nothing towards the effect, the cancer spread extremely fast and the alien died.

Some of the detention facilities are in deplorable conditions, for example, the death of Dominguez Valdivia who was detained for two months and a half at the Adelanto immigration. This was detention complex built to house convicts and in the year , it was contracted by the ICE to house immigrants into two wings east and west Cornelisse, However, the detainees that were interviewed in this research paper argued that the East wing had leaking as well as broken pipes. It is this place where Valdivia was forced to stay while he was fighting bronchitis while at the same time not receiving medical attention.

It is in the hospital that the bronchopneumonia spread into the blood stream and consequently caused a multi-organ failure. It is of the essence to understand that the U. S office of detention oversight found that indeed that the death of Dominquez came as a result of the poor living conditions inside the detention complex and could have been avoided. However, despite this problem, there are other detention centers around the country that have leaking pipes, leaking roofs and even sub-standard toilets that causes a hygiene nightmare. It is of the essence to understand that there have been over deaths that have occurred since the year in the over detention centers for immigrants in the country Meeropol, The conditions of these detention centers have been effectively blamed when it comes to the death of these persons as well as the lack of medical attention in these facilities.

According to an investigation by Detention Watch Network none of the detention centers that exist in the United States can be able to effectively guarantee the detainees basic medical care or even the adequate protection against physical and sexual abuse. Further, these detention facilities do not guarantee enough contact with the outside in order to preserve their families and consequently prepare their legal defense. Further, there have been cases where there have been the rationing of meals, leaking pipes and beds full of crawling insects. These conditions are extremely unacceptable and consequently there is a need to something in order to change this situation Bosworth, There are two main problems that have led to the persistence of this problem and they are the ones that are supposed to be tackled by legislation they include the fact that there is lack of independent oversight and the fact that the detention centers do not apply the same standards as those stipulated in the contract.

The government has since promised to remedy the situation and promised a top-to-bottom reform of the immense detention system that was erected in a sloppy haste during the Bush years. It is of the essence to understand that the detention system was put up by largely private contractors that had a dim regard for oversight and standards Bray, The leader of the Immigration and Customs enforcement has introduced plans that are intended to create a system of civil detention that will be suitable for inmates that are not criminals. The research has found out that indeed that there is mistreatment of the inmates and there are deplorable conditions in the detention facilities that exist in the United States. There are some of the detention facilities that are leaking while others should be out or order but are currently being used.

The medical attention that is given in these detention facilities is bare minimum and in fact most deaths have occurred because of lack of enough medical attention to the patients. This is a systemic process and it should be changed in order to ensure that inmates are taken care of in the most humane way Cornelisse, The United States is a leading country in terms of advocating for human rights and therefore, it is should not in any way allow human rights violations to occur in its own back yard and turn a blind eye on the situation. Olshansky, B. Democracy Detained: Secret Unconstitutional Practices in the U. War on Terror.

New York: Seven Stories Press. Cornelisse, G. Immigration detention and human rights: Rethinking territorial sovereignty. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Welch, M. Detained: Immigration laws and the expanding I. jail complex. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Bosworth, M. Inside immigration detention. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Meeropol, R. America's disappeared: Detainees, secret imprisonment, and the "war on terror". New York: Seven Stories. McWhirter, R. The criminal lawyer's guide to immigration law: Questions and answers. Chicago, Ill: Criminal Justice Section, American Bar Association. LeMay, M. Transforming America: Perspectives on U.

Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger. Redburn, F. Budgeting for immigration enforcement: A path to better performance. Washington, D. C: National Academies Press. Hayes, P. The making of modern immigration: An encyclopedia of people and ideas. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO. Bray, I. immigration made easy. Berkeley, CA: Nolo. Annotated bibliography. This book by Olshansky discusses how some suspects of immigration that are considered to be terrorists are put in detention cells are tortured and are given minimal medical care. The detention centers that they live in are in deplorable conditions and there are unconstitutional practices that happen in these detention cells. This article gives reports on several human rights watch groups regarding the American detention system and the conditions that exist in these detention centers.

This book states that there is a need for the United States to effectively expand their immigration laws as well as ensure that the conditions that exist in the detention centers are kept reasonable and that there is medical care in these hospitals. This article explores the life of the aliens inside the immigration detention facilities, the hardships that they go through, the conditions that they have to persevere as well as the injustice that ultimately befalls them. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency ICE is among United States investigative departments. In the Homeland Security department, it is the largest arm.

The investigative department of United States has more than special agents working in different cities in U. Apparently; the special agents cover over cities in United States and as well other 47 nations. ICE is responsible for enforcing both immigration and custom laws in United States. It comes second from FBI in the law enforcement of the government. Officers in the ICE department of law enforcement monitor illegal businesses taking place in United States, illegal immigrants entering United States and illegal immigrants working in United States. More so, working with the custom department in United States, the law enforcement department monitors smuggling of goods in the United States territories.

The paper is an analysis of Immigration and Custom Enforcement Agency ICE. History and formation of ICE. In United States, immigration became an issue when the country received a wave of European and Asian immigrants. In this period, the number of immigrants in United States increased. Therefore, different cities had different laws and policies governing immigration process. However, in the federal government of United States ruled the policy of cities governing and controlling their immigration policies and made it its responsibility of controlling the immigration process. During this period, the government developed different offices playing the role of controlling immigrants from other nations into the U. S where they processed their information, admitted them and as well in other cases rejected their admission to United States.

This was a success to the nation in meeting the objective of controlling immigration in United States.

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