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Essay on abortion pros and cons

Essay on abortion pros and cons

Malta is the only EU member state to totally ban abortion. Abstract Abortion refers to the termination of the pregnancy and most members of society tend to feel strongly and often myopically about their opinions of abortion, essay on abortion pros and cons. We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you Pro Choice Ironically, Jane Roe, whose real name was Norma McCorvey ended up becoming a right-to-life advocate and joining the anti-abortion movement in the s, some two decades after her suit made it possible for abortions to be legal everywhere in the U. Pope Francis. Pros and cons: a debaters handbook 18 th edition. From this it is evident that people attach great degree of significance to this issue because it somehow is related to their sense of morality and essay on abortion pros and cons.

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For a very long time now the issue of abortion has been one of the most controversial and problems on the planet pitying two major sides. On one side pro-lifers insist that it is immoral and amounts to murdering an innocent child while pro-abortionists argue that is just a form of birth control and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it as all children should be born when they are wanted. The numerous legislations, policies by governments and even hard-line stands by some organizations like the church have over time made this subject more controversial instead of offering solutions, and at one point one may argue that there would never be a consensus on the abortion issue.

The debate on abortion is likely to go on for several years unless the sturdy stands taken by both pro-lifers and anti-abortionists are softened. Those for or against abortion have to find ways of accommodating the views of each other regarding the issue. This paper will evaluate the issues surrounding the abortion debate while at the same time seek to find solutions to the conflicting ideas. There are several arguments that one forward in support of abortion. First of all, any birth of a child should occur when the parents want and not by chance Potts et al.

This way it would go a long way in assisting the world to have an environment where all children that are born in this world have an environment conducive for proper development. There is no need for inflating the world with many children who cannot have essay on abortion pros and cons to basic needs like adequate clothing, food, shelter, and education. It should also be noted that when a person decides to carry out an abortion it is not out of her dislike for children but because she feels that it would not be a wise decision to proceed with the pregnancy as it is still not yet the right time to have a baby Potts et al. In the case of rape or incest, keeping a pregnancy is very traumatizing to the person raped as no one would wish to keep a essay on abortion pros and cons that is a result of this, and the best solution to this problem would be to abort the unborn child.

For the case of rape, the emotional effects of the occurrence are too traumatizing and take time to heal, and some rape victims do not recover at all. Adding a child to the rape victim is like adding more salt to a wound and would be a constant reminder that is likely to add more emotional trauma to the victim Khoster Many studies on the morality or immoralities of abortion have found that some of those against the morality essay on abortion pros and cons abortion tend to agree that it is acceptable to abort essay on abortion pros and cons pregnancy that is a result of rape, essay on abortion pros and cons.

There has also been an unending debate on the exact time that a fetus acquires life and becomes a person with rights and ability to have feelings Sather Sather further argues that before the 24 th — 28 th week, the fetus has not yet acquired human features and it does not amount to murder if you perform an abortion before this time. Pro-lifers led by the Catholic Church insist that life begins at conception and anyone who is found guilty of having performed an abortion could be excommunicated from the church because of committing murder Kohmescher That is not all several studies when life stars in the case of an unborn child have essay on abortion pros and cons in conflicting dates.

The impending standoff as to, when a person can and cannot have an abortion, have left it possible for anyone to conduct an abortion. It is not clear as to when life begins, and as so long as a woman feels that she cannot have a baby, she has the freedom to do it since it is not yet clear when the life of a person begins, essay on abortion pros and cons. Sometimes complications can occur to a pregnancy that may put the life of the mother or unborn child in danger and even at times all of them. At this point, the life of the mother is given first consideration as the fetus cannot survive without the mother, essay on abortion pros and cons, and in any case, the chances are that the mother can always get other children if she wants, essay on abortion pros and cons, but there is no way a fetus can survive on its leave alone getting other parents which is impossible.

Several disadvantages of abortion are argued out by pro-lifers. Most of the books on the subject are mostly in support of the drawbacks of abortion as compared to the advantages. According to Koster abortion is only a temporary and irrational decision that make women feel that they have gotten some relief to an unwanted child against chances of permanent loss of infertility Koster She further argues that although removing an unwanted pregnancy may somehow offer relief to the woman the possibility of becoming infertile especially if an unqualified person performed the operation is very significant and once you lose your fertility there is zero chance that you will regain it.

Even when performed by a qualified medical doctor there is a chance that complications may arise like in some medical procedures and if this happens, you could definitely lose your fertility. In fact, essay on abortion pros and cons, interviews conducted on women who had complications when performing an abortion revealed that a majority of them had lost the ability to conceive or hard a miscarriage Koster The relief that one feels after procuring an abortion is usually short-lived, and it dies after some time leading to a permanent feeling of guilt and sadness. In fact, in most of the times, this feeling of relief is just a deliberate attempt by the psychology of a person to delete the sense of guilt and shame that creeps in immediately one procures an abortion Holman Holman further adds that although most of the legislation and policies concerning abortion allow the practice in the case of schoolgirls the idea that you once killed part of you is not likely to go away and will haunt you forever.

A lot of pro-lifers would equate abortion to murder, and it is therefore morally wrong and should be outlawed. Genovesi defines murder as an intentional act of taking away the life of a human being Genovesi Fro this he further adds that since the fetus of a person has life, then taking it away will amount to killing it, which is the same as murder. Of course from this reason arguments are bound to arise as to when the life of a person actually begins. Procuring an abortion is not the only solution in the event of unwanted pregnancy as the child could also be put to adoption. This figure is so high that more and more Americans are turning to other countries overseas in order to get children of their own and as Grunlan further adds; this figure has been increasing in the recent years as more mothers turn to abortion as a way of controlling birth.

The main concern in the abortion controversy is whether it is morally and ethically right or wrong. Ethics and morality are significantly discussed in unit one of the course. In unit one, the main issue discussed is how to know what is right and what is wrong. As argued by Aristotle in part of the course, to become ethical he should first reason well and have good character, and total happiness can only be achieved if people are noble. The abortion debate centers on ethics in that while those who are for abortion argue that it offers a solution to lots of problems that could be brought about by having unwanted children, those against it argue that this relief is only temporary.

Unit three of the course is mainly on how to live a good life as Christians. In this essential part, the unit deals on acceptable Christian virtues and values. One such virtue is having unconditional love towards others. On abortion, it is argued that when one performs an abortion automatically, essay on abortion pros and cons does not have love for that child regardless of the conditions. Moreover, all Christians should preserve human life and have respect for Gods creations, and failure to do so is a sin. People are also supposed to think critically of their actions and be held accountable to these actions, and, as discussed in the unit, they should avoid searching for quick-fix solutions to problems facing them.

The Catholic Church has been the most vocal in speaking against abortion for a long time, and as it stands, there is no chance that this sturdy stand will be reverted. In the book Catholic morality and human sexuality, the author argues that immediately after fertilization, the resulting zygote has human features and should be respected as a human being. Removing it from the uterus amounts to murder Genovesi Accepting abortion has been argued by the church as accepting a culture of death and living without Jesus Christ as it amounts t killing an innocent creature of God who has not yet performed any sin. Even in cases of rape or incest, the church does not permit abortion Kohmescher In this case, a woman may seek treatment immediately after the incident but not abortion weeks after the incident, and even if the pregnancy is a threat to human life, there should be an attempt to save both lives human lives are sacred and equal before God an none is unique to the other.

As it stands today, it seems the debate on abortion will not come to an end soon. The stands taken by both the pro-abortionists and anti-abortionists are so rigid, and there have not been any attempts to build a consensus. For instance, the church will certainly not relent on its claim that abortion is murder essay on abortion pros and cons therefore a capital sin while pro-abortionists argue essay on abortion pros and cons having a child should be a choice, essay on abortion pros and cons. The conflicting policies by different governments regarding the issue have added more controversy to this subject instead of offering guidelines.

There should be efforts to provide a clear policy on this issue that would be acceptable in the whole world through an international essay on abortion pros and cons like the United Nations. Apart from that the church and other organizations that are anti-abortion ought to soften their essay on abortion pros and cons in some incidences like rape which are too traumatizing. The catholic mystique: fourteen women find fulfillment in the Catholic Church. Huntington: Sunday visitor publishing, Flanagan, Thomas. Game theory and Canadian politics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Genovesi, Vincent. In pursuit of love: Catholic morality and human sexuality. Minnesota: Hutts Publishing, Holman, Thomas. The family in the new millennium, essay on abortion pros and cons.

Westport: Praeger Publishers. Print liturgical press, Khoster, Winnie. Women and abortion in the Yoruba society, essay on abortion pros and cons, Nigeria. Amsterdam: Aksant academic publishers, Kohmescher, Matthew. Catholicism today: a survey of Catholic belief and practice the third edition. New Jersey: Paulist Press, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Sather, Trevor, essay on abortion pros and cons. Pros and cons: a debaters handbook 18 th edition. London: Routledge, Legal and ethical aspects of anesthesia, critical care, and preoperative medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, Understanding human behavior and the social environment: 8 th edition.

Belmont: Brookscole, Need a custom Argumentative Essay sample essay on abortion pros and cons from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Pros and Cons of Abortion to the Society. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible, essay on abortion pros and cons. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents. Introduction Pros of abortion Cons of abortion Relationship between abortion and the course on religion Conclusion Works Cited. Learn More.

We will write a custom Essay on Pros and Cons of Abortion to the Society specifically for you! Not sure if you can write a paper on Pros and Cons of Abortion to the Society by yourself? This argumentative essay on Pros and Cons of Abortion to the Society was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly.

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Not one ever is okay with abortions. Yes they know they need to get it done but do you ever think in how much pain they are in just having to decide something as bad as that. Catholics are the ones who passed this law the most. It will be a sin to do so. Yet they are those people who harass others and hurt anyone that is involved with abortion. Unless the church is gonna provide them with shelter and food, they have no right to terrorize women. No one can tell you anything about your choices unless they are planning on helping you through the process of what you are going through. We need to make sure this law does not go back to being illegal, that would bring many consequences to our population and our lives.

It will continue to have certain rules that keep abortions from happening more than what they should be. Accessed 20 Feb. Deflem, Mathieu. Accessed 15 Feb. History, Gale, Petchesky, Rosalind. Accessed 21 Feb. A26 L. All Answers Ltd. Abortion Pros and Cons. com, May 12, Accessed January 7, com , May Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left. Number of pages. Email Invalid email. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you!

Stuck on ideas? Struggling with a concept? Get help with your assigment. Leave your email and we will send a sample to you. Many studies on the morality or immoralities of abortion have found that some of those against the morality of abortion tend to agree that it is acceptable to abort a pregnancy that is a result of rape. There has also been an unending debate on the exact time that a fetus acquires life and becomes a person with rights and ability to have feelings Sather Sather further argues that before the 24 th — 28 th week, the fetus has not yet acquired human features and it does not amount to murder if you perform an abortion before this time.

Pro-lifers led by the Catholic Church insist that life begins at conception and anyone who is found guilty of having performed an abortion could be excommunicated from the church because of committing murder Kohmescher That is not all several studies when life stars in the case of an unborn child have resulted in conflicting dates. The impending standoff as to, when a person can and cannot have an abortion, have left it possible for anyone to conduct an abortion. It is not clear as to when life begins, and as so long as a woman feels that she cannot have a baby, she has the freedom to do it since it is not yet clear when the life of a person begins.

Sometimes complications can occur to a pregnancy that may put the life of the mother or unborn child in danger and even at times all of them. At this point, the life of the mother is given first consideration as the fetus cannot survive without the mother, and in any case, the chances are that the mother can always get other children if she wants, but there is no way a fetus can survive on its leave alone getting other parents which is impossible. Several disadvantages of abortion are argued out by pro-lifers. Most of the books on the subject are mostly in support of the drawbacks of abortion as compared to the advantages. According to Koster abortion is only a temporary and irrational decision that make women feel that they have gotten some relief to an unwanted child against chances of permanent loss of infertility Koster She further argues that although removing an unwanted pregnancy may somehow offer relief to the woman the possibility of becoming infertile especially if an unqualified person performed the operation is very significant and once you lose your fertility there is zero chance that you will regain it.

Even when performed by a qualified medical doctor there is a chance that complications may arise like in some medical procedures and if this happens, you could definitely lose your fertility. In fact, interviews conducted on women who had complications when performing an abortion revealed that a majority of them had lost the ability to conceive or hard a miscarriage Koster The relief that one feels after procuring an abortion is usually short-lived, and it dies after some time leading to a permanent feeling of guilt and sadness. In fact, in most of the times, this feeling of relief is just a deliberate attempt by the psychology of a person to delete the sense of guilt and shame that creeps in immediately one procures an abortion Holman Holman further adds that although most of the legislation and policies concerning abortion allow the practice in the case of schoolgirls the idea that you once killed part of you is not likely to go away and will haunt you forever.

A lot of pro-lifers would equate abortion to murder, and it is therefore morally wrong and should be outlawed. Genovesi defines murder as an intentional act of taking away the life of a human being Genovesi Fro this he further adds that since the fetus of a person has life, then taking it away will amount to killing it, which is the same as murder. Of course from this reason arguments are bound to arise as to when the life of a person actually begins. Procuring an abortion is not the only solution in the event of unwanted pregnancy as the child could also be put to adoption. This figure is so high that more and more Americans are turning to other countries overseas in order to get children of their own and as Grunlan further adds; this figure has been increasing in the recent years as more mothers turn to abortion as a way of controlling birth.

The main concern in the abortion controversy is whether it is morally and ethically right or wrong. Ethics and morality are significantly discussed in unit one of the course. In unit one, the main issue discussed is how to know what is right and what is wrong. As argued by Aristotle in part of the course, to become ethical he should first reason well and have good character, and total happiness can only be achieved if people are noble. The abortion debate centers on ethics in that while those who are for abortion argue that it offers a solution to lots of problems that could be brought about by having unwanted children, those against it argue that this relief is only temporary. Unit three of the course is mainly on how to live a good life as Christians.

In this essential part, the unit deals on acceptable Christian virtues and values. One such virtue is having unconditional love towards others. On abortion, it is argued that when one performs an abortion automatically, she does not have love for that child regardless of the conditions. Moreover, all Christians should preserve human life and have respect for Gods creations, and failure to do so is a sin. People are also supposed to think critically of their actions and be held accountable to these actions, and, as discussed in the unit, they should avoid searching for quick-fix solutions to problems facing them.

The Catholic Church has been the most vocal in speaking against abortion for a long time, and as it stands, there is no chance that this sturdy stand will be reverted. In the book Catholic morality and human sexuality, the author argues that immediately after fertilization, the resulting zygote has human features and should be respected as a human being. Removing it from the uterus amounts to murder Genovesi Accepting abortion has been argued by the church as accepting a culture of death and living without Jesus Christ as it amounts t killing an innocent creature of God who has not yet performed any sin. Even in cases of rape or incest, the church does not permit abortion Kohmescher In this case, a woman may seek treatment immediately after the incident but not abortion weeks after the incident, and even if the pregnancy is a threat to human life, there should be an attempt to save both lives human lives are sacred and equal before God an none is unique to the other.

As it stands today, it seems the debate on abortion will not come to an end soon. The stands taken by both the pro-abortionists and anti-abortionists are so rigid, and there have not been any attempts to build a consensus. For instance, the church will certainly not relent on its claim that abortion is murder and therefore a capital sin while pro-abortionists argue that having a child should be a choice. The conflicting policies by different governments regarding the issue have added more controversy to this subject instead of offering guidelines.

There should be efforts to provide a clear policy on this issue that would be acceptable in the whole world through an international body like the United Nations. Apart from that the church and other organizations that are anti-abortion ought to soften their stand in some incidences like rape which are too traumatizing. The catholic mystique: fourteen women find fulfillment in the Catholic Church. Huntington: Sunday visitor publishing, Flanagan, Thomas. Game theory and Canadian politics. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Genovesi, Vincent.

In pursuit of love: Catholic morality and human sexuality. Minnesota: Hutts Publishing, Holman, Thomas. The family in the new millennium.

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